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BC Bee Atlas Webinar

Thu, Mar 27


Via Zoom

Would you like to learn about the BC Bee Atlas and how you can get involved? Join us for this info session to hear Bonnie Zand speak about this amazing project.

BC Bee Atlas Webinar
BC Bee Atlas Webinar

Time & Location

Mar 27, 2025, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

About the Event

Join us for webinar to learn about The Native Bee Society of British Columbia's (NBSBC) efforts to train local bee experts (Master Melittologists) to map the diversity, distribution, and floral partners of BC's bee populations through the Master Melittologist Program and the BC Bee Atlas

The NBSBC launched the BC Bee Atlas as a pilot program in 2021 with just a few volunteers. They now have 65 Apprentice-level Master Melittologists that have received training through the Oregon State University Extension Service Master Melittologist Program and are contributing observations to the Bee Atlas database. 

Bonnie Zand, the BC instructor for the Master Melittologist Program, will introduce the BC Bee Atlas, how training through the Master Melittologist Program works, and the importance of understanding bee populations and their floral hosts in order to protect Canada's bees and their unique ecosystems.

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