BC Bee Atlas

Master Melittologist Apprentice Level Program
Oregon State University's Master Melittologist Program was the first of its kind in the world to train citizen scientists to collect and curate wild bees for research purposes. It provides you with a comprehensive introduction to bee biology via six online self-paced training modules, with opportunities to interact with the instructors through the Discussion Board and at monthly Zoom Discussion Forums. By the end of the course you will be able to:
Explain the basics of bee biology including their different characteristics at the family level
Explain why a Bee Atlas is important for informing conservation efforts and land management decisions
Catch and prepare museum-grade bee specimens
Curate a database of bee specimens that you have caught
Plan a bee survey
Add a determination (ID) to your bees at the genus level

This online, self-paced program will teach you more about the biolgy and ecology of native bees. While most of the program components are coming from Oregon, the NBSBC will be adding its own flair to the program for BC residents, including field training on Vancouver Island and in the Okanagan.

Master Melittologists at Bee School in the Okanagan, 2023
You will learn how to catch bees and document floral host information using standardized procedures at a field training event. These events are held on Vancouver Island in the spring and in Oliver in the summer. The required in person microscope training sessions are offered annually, and you can brush up your skills by joining zoom microscope sessions held through the winter months.